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Ethical Appraisal Tool - Report

Ethical Appraisal Tool - Report

  • SKU: 978-1-78490-493-7

  • Publish Date: 31 May 2024

  • Size: A4

  • Publisher: BRCGS


Download the How to Get the Best Result document before purchasing and completing an appraisal. 

Please note, the report comes in Excel format.

In the modern global marketplace, manufacturers play a pivotal role in driving economic growth, innovation, and progress. With this influence comes a responsibility to uphold ethical standards and principles in all facets of operations, from supply chain management to employee relations and governance practices. An ethical management system serves as the cornerstone for guiding these practices, ensuring that companies operate with integrity, transparency, and accountability.

The BRCGS Ethical Appraisal Tool provides a framework for conducting a social compliance assessment. It will help you evaluate and enhance your level of social accountability by assessing aspects related to labour conditions, ethical practices, human rights, health and safety practices within the company.

The tool will be a good reference point for sites keen to comply with the UN Global Compact as questions match the aims of many of the outlined principals but also the UN’s sustainable development goal number 8which addresses modern slavery, human trafficking, forced labour and the protection of  labour rights.

The four sections in the tool cover policies and procedures, employment terms and working conditions, health and safety and finally extends beyond the confines of the workplace to address wider human rights and anti-bribery practices in the supply chain.

Who should use this publication

  • Sites - as part of an initial gap analysis, internal audits and those considering certification to the BRCGS Global Standard Ethical Trade and Responsible Sourcing.
  • Specifiers (buyers, brands, retailers) - to support due diligence and verify supply chain risk levels.
  • Auditors - carrying out an audit to the BRCGS Global Standard Ethical Trade and Responsible Sourcing.
  • Businesses - checking new suppliers where a full audit may be a challenge.

More information can be found in the How to get the Best Results document. Details of this title can be found below.

Please note, this title comes in Excel format.

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