New and updated documents
All documents can either be found on our main website, MyBRCGS, BRCGS Participate, BRCGS Directory or BRCGS Educate.
Please note All Audit Reports were updated to include a new QR code and was added into the footers. All Audit Reports are available on the BRCGS Directory.
BRCGS documents
BRC070 v1 example of completed Product Recall form for CBs:
- MyBRCGS BRC071v4 Standard Certificate template example
- MyBRCGS BRC072 v3 Covid-19 Guidance – main website
- MyBRCGS BRC044 v4 Directory Auditor Handout
- MyBRCGS BRC076 v1 Risk Assessment Extension Process
- MyBRCGS BRC075 v1 Risk Assessment Report Template
- BRCGS Directory BRC010 v4 Completing an Auditor Profile - MyBRCGS
Food Safety documents
- F834 v6 Food Audit Report F835 v3 Guidance on completing audit report - MyBRCGS
- F837 v3 Food Safety Position Statement - main website, MyBRCGS, BRCGS Participate & BRCGS Educate
Packaging documents
- P606 v5 audit duration calculator – MyBRCGS, main website
Ethical Trade & Responsible Sourcing documents
- ET101 v3 RA CB technical briefing note – MyBRCGS
Gluten-Free documents
- GF304 v2 Certificate template – MyBRCGS
- GF303 v3 Self-assessment tool & auditor checklist – main website, MyBRCGS & BRCGS Participate
Plant-Based documents
- PB104 v1 Briefing document – MyBRCGS
Retail documents
- R104 v1 auditor checklist/self-assessment checklist – MyBRCGS, main website & BRCGS Participate