Ethical Trade and Responsible Sourcing gives consumers the reassurance they seek and workers the protection they deserve

The BRCGS Global Standard Ethical Trading and Responsible Sourcing meets the ever-evolving needs of customers, and responds to recent shifts in buyer, regulatory and investor behaviour. It is also the only global standard that provides supply chain confidence and true social compliance. 

The BRCGS Global Standard Ethical Trade and Responsible Sourcing was the first scheme of its kind to be benchmarked and recognised by SSCI and its member organisations. The Consumer Goods Forum’s (CGF) Sustainable Supply Chain Initiative (SSCI) is committed to building trust in the consumer goods industry by recognising programmes that respect key sustainability criteria. It is the benchmark of choice for the consumer goods industry and complements the well-established and respected GFSI-recognised product safety standards.

SSCI Member Organisations


The standard is also listed on the ITC's Trade for Sustainable Development Standards Map, a site that provides comprehensive, verified and transparent information on standards that relate to environmental protection, worker and labour rights, economic development, quality and food safety, and business ethics. 

Find out more about the benefits of the BRCGS Ethical Trade and Responsible Sourcing Global Standard.

Benefits of Ethical Trade with BRCGS