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About the Approved Training Partners scheme

BRCGS Approved Training Partners (ATPs) are internationally-recognised trainers who train auditors, sites, consultants and retailers in BRCGS' Global Standards requirements and protocol.

All our trainers are professionals in their fields, and through training and experience are assured in delivering the correct information to sites on the Global Standards.

What are the benefits of using a BRCGS Approved Training Partner?

All ATPs work closely with BRCGS and attend various conferences and webinars. So, unlike other trainers, ATPs have the most up-to-date information about the Standards and the BRCGS certification scheme.

They can provide ongoing guidance and training to senior managers and production staff and will help you achieve and maintain your certification.

ATPs go through a rigorous application process and Train the Trainer sessions so you can rest assured their training is of the highest quality.

All the training material is provided by BRCGS and written by the team involved in writing the Standards. So you'll always have the latest, most relevant information.

Following your training with an ATP, we will continue to send you information about latest publications and webinars or anything that might be useful to you and your business.

Find an Approved Training Partner.

How to become an Approved Training Partner

The scheme is open to individuals and corporations, and all applications are independently reviewed to ensure they meet the rigorous criteria needed for entry to the scheme.

You must be able to demonstrate, through qualifications and work experience in the manufacturing sector you're applying for, that you meet the criteria specified for each Standard.

Minimum requirements to become a BRCGS Approved Training Partner:

  • a degree or diploma in a relevant field, or equivalent;
  • qualification in HACCP or risk assessment (of at least two days duration or equivalent);
  • a minimum of five years’ experience in the relevant manufacturing sector;
  • successful completion of a BRCGS Train the Trainer course on the relevant Standard (post-application);
  • evidence of training qualification and/or experience and;
  • the provision of two references: one to reference industry experience, one to reference training experience.
  • passed a registered QMS Lead Auditor Course (e.g. ISO9001, IEMA, IRCA) or Lead Social Auditor course (applicable only for the ETRS standard) 

Benefits of being a BRCGS Approved Training Partner

As an ATP you will receive the latest training materials from the BRCGS Academy and receive the full support of the BRCGS Technical team. You will also:

  • Have access to the BRCGS knowledge centre and expert forums through a dedicated partner portal, myBRCGS.
  • Be associated with a certification system that's recognised around the world.
  • Receive the latest updates about Global Standards and the overall BRCGS scheme.
  • Be included in a searchable directory of ATPs allowing potential clients to contact you directly.
  • Have exclusive use of the Approved Training Partner logo which can be used on all your marketing materials.
  • Be recognised by peers and clients as someone with advanced skills and knowledge in your sector.
  • Be invited to BRCGS' annual conferences and enjoy a discount to the annual BRCGS food safety conference.

ATP Training  (Food 9 Standard*)

Attendees Training courses Assessment
Current ATPs (at launch of new Standard) 3-day trainer
conversion course
TTT exam (80% pass)
TTT assessment
New applicants (including auditors/trainers from other schemes, academics, technical managers and consultants) 4-day TTT course TTT exam (80% pass)
TTT assessment

*Other Standards course duration TBC

For questions or more information, email 

All Train the Trainer courses are run by Principal Trainers and managed by the BRCGS Academy.

Train the Trainer assessments will assess training skills via observation of practice during the one day course by Principal Trainers (and initially by Head of Academy Programmes).

Assessments will follow a set of criteria to be determined by the BRCGS Academy in consultation with Principal Trainers.

Feedback and grade will be given to the delegate on the day, and in the event of any dispute the Head of Academy Programmes will be consulted.


  ATP fees ATE fees
Initial assessment fee £250 £250 per ATP
Annual membership fee

£1,470 for one Global Standard
£2,115 for two or more Global Standards

Certificate fee** £35 £35

VAT is payable if applicable.
*Fee for up to five ATPs included; £1,470 flat fee per additional ATP.
**Annual fees are exclusive of certificate fees, which are charged per delegate, per course. 

For more information please contact us.