Hervé Audy
Hervé is Food Technologist by education with 18 years’ experience in the food industry, especially within different companies of Unilever group, and 5 years’ experience as a consultant, auditor and trainer. He began his career as Development Manager in a company manufacturing ready meals in plastic trays and metal cans, and then as Quality Manager in various sectors such as herbal teas, tea-based soft drinks, dry mixes, ice cream and bakery products.
In 2007, he joined AGREAL International which specializes in Quality and Food Safety auditing, and is involved in training and consultancy for food companies achieving and maintaining BRCGS Certification as he is very keen in sharing his experience with both auditors and manufacturers. Hervé is BRCGS, IFS and ISO/FSSC22000 Lead Auditor since 2007 as well as Evaluator for surveillance and approval of assessors. He is a BRCGS Approved Training Partner since 2011.