Jean-Christophe Levescot



Born in 1979 in France. Food science and technics baccalaureate and bachelor’s degree in biotechnologies and analyses. Then Food Science Engineer from ISTAB (ENSCBP, Bordeaux). Work experience in quality in tea and biscuits productions then as quality and production manager in pastries company. 9 years of work experience as auditor, since 2006, and specialized in food safety audit since 2007 (BRCGS and IFS auditor). Bureau Veritas France auditor since 2008. Auditor in BRC (9 categories) and other GFSI Standards. Bureau Veritas France Operational Manager for food safety and FAMI-QS since end 2013. Several Food safety courses delivered : Food safety schemes training for companies, Internal Auditor training, Third Party Auditor update about food safety,Intermediate HACCP, Feed and food qualification examinations.

Spoken language - English, French.