Jose Maria Martinez



José María Martínez has a Degree in Veterinary Medicine and a PhD in Food Technology. With an experience of more than 20 years in the Food Sector, he has been working for several companies (Bureau Veritas, Inzamac, LRQA) in different positions (inspector, auditor, trainer and Food Sector Manager). Since 2006, he owns and manages Control Point Consulting S.L., a company devoted to training, consultancy and assessment in the food sector.

Jose María is qualified as auditor for different standards such as BRC Food, IFS Food, FSSC 22000, IFS Logistics, IFS Broker, ISO 9001, etc., currently working as freelance for LRQA.

He also offers consultancy services in value-added projects related with food safety and technology. Still thinking that lactic acid bacteria will save human beings. See his profile here.

But, without any doubt, training is his favourite part of the job. José María has delivered thousands of hours in training, specially about food safety and audit techniques. Formerly working as IRCA Lead Tutor, he is now focused on FSMA and exports protocols (qualified by the FSPCA as Lead Instructor of Preventive Controls Qualified Individuals), GFSI (qualified as BRCGS ATP) as well as Education in the University (he is Associate Professor in the Food Technology Department of the Complutense University of Madrid, Spain).