Mike Jamehdor


United States

I have been in the food industry for more than 20 years. I started off as a food technologist in one of the most prestigious food companies called Kraft Foods in Chicago. Once I finished my Master’s Degree in Food Science and Human Nutrition then I moved from R&D to Quality Assurance environment to build my career in that area. I’ve been involved with HACCP, GFSI, third party audits and relevant areas for so many years until I became exposed to BRCGS which is one of the most complete food safety schemes available.

Now I am ready to share my experience with others as a BRCGS Approved Training Partner and should be able to deliver a great quality of training. My portfolio demonstrates my ability to capitalise on every pixel for the overall benefit of startups or established food safety for a food company ensuring that the clients will receive the most recent and complete package of a food safety program.”