Minty (Manmohan) Gadhok


Maple Ridge

Minty (Manmohan) Gadhok brings to board a rare combination of hands-on experience in Quality Management, Food Safety, ERP implementation and application of Lean principles.

Minty is a registered BRCGS Consultant as well as Lead Instructor for Food Safety Preventative Control Alliance for Human Foods. Backed with a depth of operational experience, & with over 20 years’ experience in a diverse range of food products (produce, meat, beverages, processed foods etc.) as well as industry segments (farms, processing & distribution) - Minty commands high credibility in the industry.

As Technical Program Advisor for the On/Post Farm Funding Programs with Food Processing Skills Association for nearly a decade, Minty has assisted the industry (farms, processors & distributors) with action plans to improve food safety & attain the funding.

Minty is on the list of Traceability Consultants with PwC for the Traceability Funding Program. He is also the Lead Consultant for the Abletrace Ltd – a food safety & traceability software designed for small & medium processors.