Natasha Bowe



Natasha Bowe, director and principal at QMS Audits, started her career identifying foreign objects in in a laboratory. Five years later, she became a technical representative for a bottle company, where her job was to improve quality and convince clients to take the bad bottles, which had usually already been filled. Later, she moved into production producing 600T/day of molten glass.

In 2015, Natasha founded QMS Audits and was delighted to win a Qantas contract within 6 months. QMS Audits now has 500+ consulting clients, trains up nearly 1000 students per year across food safety, GFSI and ISO each year. Natasha, a former class clown, says “Our biggest challenge is convincing the client they can excel at their next audit. Which equates to simply written, well organised management systems and great training. After that it seems to be easy.