Nicola Rondoni


Vimercate (MB)

Nicola is leading the position of Food & Beverage Operation Manager for Italy. He’s involved as Project Manager for Key Clients in DNV GL. He has wide experience in the food certification business as he's been a Technical Manager for food certification schemes for more than 15 years. He is a Lead Auditor with more than 800 audit expertise for System certifications (ISO9001, ISO22000, ISO22005, FSSC22000, HACCP, GMP, etc.) and Product/Process certifications (BRC Food, IFS Food, Broker, Logistic, etc.). He is an Approved Training Provider for BRC Global Standard for Food Safety Issue 8, IFS Food Train the Trainer and other GFSI Standards; Official Trainer by FSPCA for FSMA-PCQI for Human Food qualification courses. His experience in the certification business started in 2003 after 8 years in the food sector with a background in food safety, inspection, controls and testing: first as a food laboratory analyst, then as a laboratory quality manager and project and quality manager for food companies. He has extensive inspection activity experience acquired throughout the “old continent” in the agricultural field and wide-ranging logistic competence in agro-food commodities.