Peter D'haeyere



Veterinarian since 1990 . Worked in the feed-industry till 1992 and for the Belgian Federal Agency for the Safety of the Food Chain ( FASFC) from 1991 till 2007 as an independent. Active as a veterinary-surgeon in a practice in Belgium. Since 2007 active as lead-auditor for Food and feed. Especially active as BRCGS-auditor in the meat-sector : red meat, poultry, meat-preparations ,meat-products ( cooked, cured, fermented) and vegetables and fruits. Also active as auditor for the Belgian Self-control-guides for the following sectors : meat, poultry, meat preparations, meat products, breweries, Fruit and vegetables, Wholesale, storage and distribution and butcheries/ Horeca. Also performing audits in the feed-industry and in all sectors of the food-industry for secondary streams from the food to the feed-industry.

Spoken language - English, Dutch, French.