Metal Detection Services Ltd

The UK’s solution for all metal detection needs in the food, pharmaceutical, textiles and mining industries

MDS offers a UK-wide service within the metal detection market. We are the CEIA UK Distributor and offer our customers extensive sales, engineering, spares and service support. Our aim is to provide you with the latest metal detection technology available, ensuring brand safety, reduced production interruptions and the confidence to meet the demands of industry regulators and retailers. Our organisation operates in accordance with our certified quality management system BS EN ISO9001:2008.

MDS has a strong focus on supporting our customers and working with many of the leading manufacturing companies around the UK, with the knowledge and experience of a wide range of brands, which provides customers with a one-stop, cost effective service provider for all their

Metal detectors are imperative and here at MDS we provide metal detectors to suit any application within the food, pharmaceutical, textile, and mining and quarrying industries. We can also provide training, service, spares and validation for a number of models.


Contact details

Metal Detection Services Limited, St
Martins Studios, Greenbank Road,
Sale M33 5PN

Tel: +44 (0)161 286 8755